10-10 Jan 2022 Aix en Provence - Paris (France)

Postponement of the session

the session is postponed

a date in January will be proposed soon

with our apologies



What is ABS? What does it mean for researchers?

"Access and Benefit-Sharing" (ABS), introduced by the CBD in 1992, is specified by the Nagoya Protocol adopted in 2010 and entered into force on 12 October 2014.
According to these texts, before any access to genetic resources (in the very broad sense of biological resources, ranging from species to DNA and metabolic products), researchers who wish to work on the genetic or biochemical composition of these resources must verify whether prior informed consent is required (PIC for Prior Informed Consent) and, if so, whether a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits that would arise from the use of genetic resources is provided for. This will be established between the provider country and the user of the resource, on the basis of mutually agreed terms (MAT).
Access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, for the purpose of studying or developing them, is also covered by ABS. Depending on national legislation, it may require the prior consent of the country and of the traditional communities that hold the knowledge, as well as the sharing of the benefits arising from the use of that knowledge."

In l'APA pas à pas - 2017 - FRB : https://anr.fr/fileadmin/documents/2017/APA-pas-a-pas.pdf

Intervention of Louise Dapremont, Legal Officer DAJ CNRS

The discussions will be built around the intervention of Louise Dapremont, Legal Officer DAJ CNRS, in charge of the ABS group of the CNRS, who will present the fields of application of ABS, its regulation and the procedures to follow: Which researcher is subject to ABS? What are the objects of study concerned? What steps to take? What kind of support should be provided?

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